Monday, August 09, 2010

Revelation 2:8-17 + followup prayer

Glory to God / Steve Fee by crashchords

Dear Glorious God,

Praises to Your matchless Name O Sovereign, Creator, God! Nothing surprises You for You know all things even before they happen. You've allowed certain things to happen though we don't understand why. I've just been informed that the couple I was praying for regarding the miscarriage--the wife is having extreme physical pain and is in surgery now. JESUS! You knew pain! You can therefore relate to her suffering--O LORD, with anguish and tears I'm about to say something I've never prayed before and just sounds awful. BLESS HER SUFFERING! Tie in up, wrap it in a bow and use it as a gift for her, that she may in turn give it back to You, with pain in her offering, as she wrestles with You like Jacob didthat she may share in Your sufferings, becoming like You in Your death, that she may then rejoice when Your glory is revealed!  O GOD ALMIGHTY, GLORY TO GOD FOREVER, and have mercy on us.  Use this to reveal Yourself, and to speak to the couple--that the roots of their faith will be entrenched ever deeper in the living water of Christ that can only be found in the gift of suffering that You have allowed us to share.  Strengthen them O LORD, that their reflection of Jesus may shine more brightly as You lead them through this valley of death, they will not fear for You are with them, Your rod and Your staff comforts them.

  • Rev 2:8 -  how You came back to life after You died is beyond me--but it points to Your superiority.  No other god in any religion compares to You.  Not hinduism, nor budhism, nor oprah-ism.  NO!  Jesus Christ alone supreme, preeminent gets all the glory and is the only way, truth and life--no one gets to the Father except through Jesus!
  • 2:9 - this verse reminds me that there will be persecution for the Christians even from those who claim to be Christians but aren't.  Give me an even more refined discernment that I may know the difference immediately and so warn Your sheep when the wolves come.
  • 2:10 - O Jesus, this is a scary verse.  When the last days are here, the devil will test us and You ask us to remain faithful unto death!?  O God, I have to be honest LORD, my first reaction is I don't know if I can.  Yet You gave Your life on the cross, so by Your grace and the Holy Spirit preserving me, I know I can give up my life for You.  In fact LORD, may I live my life now to practice what is to come--by dying to myself, and living as a living sacrifice unto You.  And then You reward us with a "crown of life"--to which I will cast them at Your feet O King of kings!
  • 2:11 - again, the conquering theme and the reward this time is that I won't be hurt by the second death.  Reminds me of how Shedrach, Meshach, and Abednego wasn't hurt by the fire because they conquered in a godly teen rebellion that I pray all Christians will have in the coming days.
  • 2:12 - haha the sharp two-edged sword!  You O Jesus are Mighty in Battle!  and Mighty to Save!
  • 2:13 - unlike Peter who denied You, here, You commend this particular church of holding fast to Your Name and not denying Your faith--interesting You would say "deny my faith" instead of "deny my name"--perhaps they're synonyms?
  • 2:14 - the F's in the report card contain things that You hate--idolatry and sexual immorality.  O LORD, forgive me for worshiping self, or sports teams, or wasting time on the Internet or iphone,  rather than spending time in prayer and in Your Word.  
  • 2:16 - The solution of all of our problems--REPENTING!  May my life be one of continual repentance to kill any and all sin.
  • 2:17 - Wow!  to the one who conquers here--You give some of the hidden manna (And since You Jesus are our living Bread, what You're saying is that You give us YOURSELF!), echoing how You fed Moses and Your people in the desert.   Back then You tested them to see if they would obey Your law, and in the future You're doing the same!  Love how we can learn about You from what You did in the past.  And not only that You will give a white stone with my new name written on it that no one else will know...what's up with that?  I guess it reminds me of how You gave Jacob a new name after he wrestled with You and prevailed.  And it does follow a pattern--You Jesus tend to give people new names after they convert.  And why on a white stone?  Symbol to how You are our Rock perhaps?
"Then the LORD said to Moses, "I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. In this way I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions." --Exo 16:4

We sheep walked not knowing where He led
But His rod and staff kept us comforted
We complained of hunger and fatigue
So what manna is this we receive?

This bread is unlike any you've ever seen
For it's My flesh--eat it and rest in pastures green
To those who conquer, I will give
Hidden manna--myself, so that you may live

"I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world."--John 6:51

in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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